How Does Adthrive Makes Money

AdThrive is a leading digital advertising network that helps website publishers monetize their content through programmatic advertising.

With over 10 years of experience in the industry, AdThrive has become one of the most popular ad networks among website publishers, especially in the blogging community.

In this blog article, we will explore how AdThrive makes money and how website publishers can benefit from their services.

What is AdThrive?

AdThrive is an advertising network that specializes in programmatic advertising. They help website publishers monetize their content by placing advertisements on their website. AdThrive offers a variety of ad formats including display ads, native ads, and video ads, among others.

How Does AdThrive Make Money?

AdThrive makes money by taking a cut of the revenue generated from the advertisements displayed on their publishers’ websites. AdThrive takes a percentage of the revenue, typically around 30%, as their commission for providing their services.

The revenue generated by AdThrive’s publishers comes from a variety of sources, including programmatic advertising platforms like Google AdSense, direct ad sales, and other ad networks. AdThrive’s technology optimizes the placement and delivery of ads on their publishers’ websites to maximize revenue potential.

One of the key advantages of using AdThrive is their access to premium programmatic advertising platforms. AdThrive has partnerships with over 40 ad networks, including Google Ad Exchange, Amazon Advertising, and OpenX, among others. These partnerships give AdThrive’s publishers access to a wide range of advertisers, which helps increase the value of the ads displayed on their websites.

AdThrive also offers a variety of services to help their publishers maximize their revenue potential. This includes ad optimization, ad layout and design, and website speed optimization, among others. AdThrive’s team of experts works closely with their publishers to ensure that their websites are optimized for maximum revenue potential.

What is the AdThrive Ad Network’s Business Model?

AdThrive’s business model is based on programmatic advertising, which involves using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to automate the process of buying and selling digital advertising space. AdThrive acts as an intermediary between advertisers and publishers, facilitating the buying and selling of ad space on publishers’ websites.

AdThrive makes money by taking a commission from the revenue generated by the ads displayed on their publishers’ websites. The commission is typically around 30% of the revenue earned by the publisher from the ads displayed through AdThrive’s network.

To maximize revenue potential, AdThrive partners with over 40 premium programmatic advertising platforms, including Google Ad Exchange, Amazon Advertising, and OpenX, among others. These partnerships give AdThrive’s publishers access to a wide range of advertisers, which helps increase the value of the ads displayed on their websites.

AdThrive’s revenue model is based on delivering high-quality ads that are tailored to the content of their publishers’ websites. They use sophisticated algorithms to analyze website content and deliver relevant ads that are more likely to resonate with the website’s audience. This approach helps increase user engagement and ultimately, revenue potential.

AdThrive also offers a range of optimization services, such as ad layout and design, ad placement optimization, and website speed optimization, among others. These services are designed to help publishers maximize their revenue potential and provide a better user experience for their audience.

Overall, AdThrive’s business model is based on delivering high-quality programmatic advertising services that help publishers monetize their content while providing a positive user experience for their audience.

How Can Website Publishers Benefit From AdThrive?

Website publishers can benefit from AdThrive in a number of ways.

Firstly, AdThrive offers access to premium programmatic advertising platforms that would otherwise be difficult to access for smaller publishers. This means that AdThrive’s publishers can earn more money from their ads than they would be able to on their own.

Secondly, AdThrive offers a range of optimization services that can help increase revenue potential. This includes optimizing ad placement, ad design, and website speed, among others. By optimizing these factors, AdThrive’s publishers can maximize their revenue potential and earn more money from their website.

Finally, AdThrive provides excellent customer support to their publishers. Their team of experts works closely with their publishers to ensure that they are getting the most out of their services. This level of support is especially valuable for smaller publishers who may not have the resources to optimize their ads and website on their own.

AdThrive has become a popular choice among website publishers for several reasons. One of the key advantages of using AdThrive is their ability to provide high-quality ads that are tailored to the content of their publishers’ websites. AdThrive uses sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze website content and deliver relevant ads that are more likely to resonate with the website’s audience.

Another advantage of using AdThrive is their focus on website speed optimization. AdThrive understands that website speed is critical for both user experience and search engine optimization (SEO). Therefore, they offer a range of services to help their publishers optimize their website speed, such as image optimization, lazy loading, and CDN (Content Delivery Network) integration. This can result in improved user experience, increased search engine rankings, and ultimately, increased revenue potential.

AdThrive also offers a variety of ad formats, including display ads, native ads, and video ads, among others. This allows publishers to choose the ad format that works best for their website and audience. AdThrive’s team of experts works closely with their publishers to ensure that the ads are placed in the optimal locations and that the design is tailored to the website’s overall look and feel.

In terms of revenue potential, AdThrive has been known to deliver excellent results for their publishers. They have a reputation for providing high CPMs (Cost per thousand impressions) and CPCs (Cost per click) compared to other advertising networks. AdThrive’s access to premium programmatic advertising platforms is a significant factor in their ability to deliver high revenue potential for their publishers.


AdThrive is a leading digital advertising network that helps website publishers monetize their content through programmatic advertising. AdThrive makes money by taking a percentage of the revenue generated from the ads displayed on their publishers’ websites. Website publishers can benefit from AdThrive by gaining access to premium programmatic advertising platforms, optimization services, and excellent customer support. If you’re a website publisher looking to monetize your content, AdThrive is definitely worth considering.

AdThrive operates on a revenue-sharing model, which means that it takes a percentage of the ad revenue generated by a publisher’s website. Typically, AdThrive takes a 25% commission on ad revenue. The remaining 75% goes to the publisher. This means that AdThrive’s success is directly linked to the success of its publishers. The more revenue a publisher generates, the more money AdThrive makes.

Overall, AdThrive is a top choice for website publishers looking to monetize their content through programmatic advertising. Their focus on high-quality ads, website speed optimization, and excellent customer support has made them a popular choice among website publishers, particularly in the blogging community. With AdThrive, publishers can expect to earn more money from their website while also providing their audience with high-quality, relevant ads.