How Many Blog Posts to Make Money

One of the most common questions that bloggers ask is; how many blog posts they need to create to make money.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question.

The number of blog posts required to earn money depends on various factors, including your niche, your target audience, and your monetization strategy.

In this article, we will discuss some of the factors that can impact the number of blog posts you need to make money.

Factors that Influence the Number of Blog Posts You Need to Make Money

Here are factors that determine the number of blog posts you are going to need to make money with your blog.

  1. Your niche

The niche you choose for your blog can play a significant role in determining the number of blog posts you need to make money. Some niches, such as personal finance or technology, are highly competitive and require a significant investment of time and effort to rank well in search engines. In contrast, other niches, such as parenting or lifestyle, may be less competitive, allowing you to rank more quickly with fewer blog posts.

  1. Your target audience

The size and engagement of your target audience can also impact the number of blog posts you need to make money. If you have a small but highly engaged audience, you may be able to generate revenue with just a few blog posts. However, if you have a large but less engaged audience, you may need to produce a more extensive collection of blog posts to build your credibility and authority.

  1. Your monetization strategy

The monetization strategy you choose for your blog can also influence the number of blog posts required to make money. For example, if you plan to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing, you may need to create a significant number of blog posts to attract enough traffic to generate a sustainable income. In contrast, if you plan to monetize your blog through sponsored content or digital products, you may be able to generate revenue with a smaller number of blog posts.

  1. Other factors

Other factors that can impact the number of blog posts you need to make money include your marketing efforts, the quality of your content, and your consistency in publishing new blog posts. By consistently producing high-quality blog posts and promoting them through social media and other channels, you can attract more readers to your blog and increase your chances of generating revenue.

How Many Blog Page Views Do You Need to Make Money?

The number of pageviews you need to make money from your blog depends on various factors, such as your niche, your monetization strategy, your advertising platform, and your target audience’s engagement level.

However, there are some general guidelines that can help you estimate how many pageviews you need to earn a decent income from your blog.

First, let’s consider how bloggers typically make money from their blogs.

How Bloggers Make Money

The most common monetization strategies include:

  • Advertising

Many bloggers earn money by displaying ads on their website. They get paid either per click or per impression, depending on the ad network they use.

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks, but there are other alternatives like, Propeller Ads, and Ezoic.

  • Affiliate marketing

Bloggers can also earn money by promoting products and services and earning a commission for every sale they refer. Some popular affiliate marketing programs include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction.

  • Sponsored content

Bloggers can also earn money by publishing sponsored content, which is content created by a brand or advertiser. They get paid a flat fee or a commission based on the number of clicks or conversions the content generates.

Page Views You Need to Make Money Today

Now, let’s look at some rough estimates for how many pageviews you need to earn a decent income from each of these monetization strategies.

  1. Advertising

The amount you can earn from advertising depends on your advertising platform, your niche, and your traffic volume.

For example, Google AdSense typically pays between $0.05 to $0.10 per click, so if you get 1,000 pageviews per day and a click-through rate of 2%, you could earn between $10 and $20 per day, or about $300 to $600 per month.

However, some ad networks pay higher rates for specific niches, such as finance, health, and technology.

  1. Affiliate marketing

The amount you can earn from affiliate marketing depends on the commission rate and the price of the products or services you promote.

Some affiliate programs pay as low as 1% commission, while others pay up to 50%. Assuming an average commission rate of 10% and an average product price of $50, you would need to generate about 2,000 clicks per month to earn $1,000.

  1. Sponsored content

The amount you can earn from sponsored content depends on the brand or advertiser you work with and the size of your audience.

Some bloggers charge $50 to $100 per sponsored post, while others charge several thousand dollars. Assuming an average rate of $100 per sponsored post, you would need to publish 10 sponsored posts per month to earn $1,000.


In conclusion, there is no fixed number of blog posts required to make money.

The number of blog posts you need to produce to earn money depends on various factors, including your niche, your target audience, and your monetization strategy.

By focusing on producing high-quality content, promoting your blog, and consistently publishing new blog posts, you can increase your chances of generating revenue and achieving your blogging goals.

In conclusion, there is no fixed number of pageviews you need to make money from your blog.

The amount you can earn depends on various factors, such as your niche, your monetization strategy, your advertising platform, and your target audience’s engagement level.

However, by focusing on producing high-quality content, promoting your blog, and implementing a monetization strategy that works for your niche, you can increase your chances of generating revenue and achieving your blogging goals